You are the alchemist

Congratulations!  You’re the Alchemist Soul and a way-shower for humanity.  You’re here again to be the healer, teacher, mystic and priestess you’ve so often been.  You’re the one who helps others along their path of survival and growth to many bitter and beautiful endings.  You’ve got some battle scars that you don’t even know where they came from, well… some you very much do...  You love getting on your soapbox about the unlimited potential of the human spirit but your friends put up with you anyway because you’re such an authentic, fun, cool and kind soul. 

 It’s time to come out from under that rock, or be it the crush of those looping tracks of your mind.  It’s the 21st centuray and the universe needs you, like, yesteryear.  You might be the only ones to stop us from going to hell in a handcart.  It’s time to stop being afraid of persecution and fulfill your destiny as a divinely appointed leader.  You know the Guides and Goddesses are beckoning you. 

THE FULL REPORT IS IN YOUR INBOX. Find out more about how to get out of your own way to live fully and be part of the team charged with saving humanity.