past life regression

Life between lives

Access the healing and knowing of your SuperConscious

Buckle up, this is where things get weird. You made it this far so I think you’re in the right place. You’ll instinctively know if it’s right for you.

We heal at many layers of consciousness. At the conscious level we heal through talk therapy and coaching by talking things out, reviewing perspectives and reframing actions and reactions around us. At the subconscious level we can understand how our inner world is impacting our outer world and ‘get our house in order’ so that we can build the life that we want.

While many issues can be examined and resolved within our lifetime, sometimes there are issues and challenges that don’t seem to have a logical source and have been with us since before we were us. Or that deep inside we know that there is so much more to us than the person who looks back at us in the mirror. We know that there is more to remember about ourselves and questions that need to be answered. Your superconscious holds all of the memories and emotions of all your previous lifetimes, all your incarnations, all lessons learned and the lessons that you are here to learn in this lifetime. If you are seeking true knowledge of self and to live into your purpose, read on.

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Past Life Regression

Review your previous incarnations

You’re probably an old soul, most of the people with this curiosity are. Maybe its something people have called you over the years or its just something that you know deep inside. You’ve always just understood certain things without them needing to be fully explained. You click with certain people straight away ‘as if you’ve known them all your life’ or perhaps you have residual fears, phobias or habits that seem to go back further than you’ve been on the planet.

Past Life Regression Therapy can be helpful in resolving unexplained fears and phobias, explaining ‘why do bad things always happen me?’ or the feeling like you have bad karma in this life. It can also help you understand your relationships and recognize your soul mate and soul companions in this life and others.


Life Between Lives

Between Life Regression to the soul world

If you’ve ever wondered what happens after you die; same. I always thought that you had to die to get these answers that would be so much more helpful to you before then, to help you to know how to live. Dr Michael Newton pioneered this modality in the 1990s when a client spontaneously travelled in hypnosis to the soul world revealing that these memories are stored in our superconscious.

This knowledge and insight is a gift from source allowing us to remember during our lifetime why we chose this life, what is our purpose, what are our unique gifts and how we are to share them with the world. You will get to experience unity and oneness with the universe in a way that it would take years of meditation, truckloads of psychadelics or thousands more lifetimes to achieve.

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Why are you here?

Past Life Regression and Life Between Lives Therapy is for people who have a serious drive for self-discovery and are awakening to the true reality of our soul life. You can discover who you have been in previous lifetimes and how this impacts your life today.

It’s not for everyone, but I find that my clients usually feel a calling and a curiosity knowing that they have things that they need to remember in this lifetime. There is a great awakening happening right now. They know they are part of the call.

Are you ready to awaken to expanded consciousness, knowing your full glorious truth and living into your divine purpose?


How it Works

Clients will typically need to experience personal growth and release in the subconscious first before approaching healing within the superconscious. It can be a lot for our minds to handle to jump between lifetimes and experience ourselves in such a new, different and mind-bending way. The process involves at lease one clearing session using Rapid Transformational Therapy hypnosis. Then clients will typically need two past life regression sessions before going to life between lives and being able and ready to experience it. Sometimes Past Life Regression can happen spontaneously within Rapid Transformational Therapy sessions - the soul knows exactly where the answers are and will intelligently guide you towards them.

Your first step is to set up a 30 minute Consultation with Moyra Michelle to find out whether you would be a suitable candidate.

Sessions typically last 2 -3 hours and can be experienced in-person in the Cleveland, Ohio area or online via teleconferencing (Zoom). Both are absolutely effective and based on your location and preference.